
I just finished creating the webpage for the Z-Warriors Clan. I must apologise for our previous page, because it was never completely finished. Instead I got working on this page, and here we go, we're finished... Now I just have to put on the final touches and we shall be all ready for work...

I hope you enjoy... ²..²

Gohan [Eeee!]

July 4th 2000: Do you know where your children are?!?

Can you believe this,

We have split appart from Z-Warriors to form a new clan, one that does not have a leader that controlls everyone like his puppets, one in-which all members are equal... Here we try and make a friendly, and welcoming atmosphere, one that relies on respect.

Here you can do whatever you are told, as long as it agrees to the several rules we have set, and as long as it still shows respect to fellow members.

Gohan [Eeee!]

June 28th, 2000:

Welcome fellow warriors,

I have just completed the site and not all sections may be functional as of yet... If you find an area that you are not able to acces, then I ask you to not be upset, but instead look elsewhere areound the site and come back in the next day or twom and the problem should be finished...

If you find any broken links then please feel free to e-mail me with the broken link and I shall fix it ASAP, seeing how I shall be home most of the time...


Gohan [Eeee!]











Latest update made on July 4th 2000... Enjoy